IBB Feedbacks

Personal data

Please select the company from the IBB group.
"What is your oppinion regarding collaborating with IBB in general.
Choose just one answer."
Extremely good
Very well
Not very good
Not good at all
Thinking about your last interaction with IBB, how easily did you receive a response to requests?
Choose just one answer.
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately mild
Not very easy
Not easy at all
How well do company representatives answer your questions?
Choose just one answer.
Extremely good
Very well
Not very good
Not good at all
Compared to the products / services of the competition, is the quality of our product / service better?
Choose just one answer.
Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse
Compared to competition prices, are our prices better?
Choose just one answer.
Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse
Overall, are you happy with the interaction with our team?
Choose just one answer.
Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Moderately dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
How likely are you to recommend us further?
Choose just one answer.
Extremely likely
Most likelyy
Not very likely
Not likely
Please provide detailed reasons for your appreciation.
Can we come back with a phone call to better understand your opinion?
I would like to be called.
All fields marked with * and all answers are required